- Add Styles with VBA
- Array in array
- Autofilter or Unfilter data
- Check if a sheet exists
- Check if any hidden rows or columns
- Connect to IBM DB2
- Convert a cross-tab to a data table
- Copy a list of files
- Count within groups – macro
- Create custom menu based on a text list
- Create links from sheet names
- CSV to recordset
- Extract URL from shape
- Extract URL from text
- Find a suitable delimiter
- Get file name or path
- Get Program Files path
- Get the address parts from a selected range
- Get the last row or column
- Get the windows username
- List all Comments
- List files or folders using .bat file
- List files properties from a folder
- List sheets’ properties
- Loop through filtered cells
- Make sheets visible and remove passwords
- Merge files and remap columns using SQL
- Open file For
- Pick a file or a folder using a dialog
- Prepare report files for SQL upload
- Range to recordset
- Read a config file to a Dictionary
- Read/ write/ delete registry
- Select/fill visible cells
- Toggle Excel functionalities to speed up a macro
- Unzip all archives from a folder
- Use Enum for dropdown function arguments
- Android
- Visu+
- PC Worx
- e!Cockpit
- Other